Wednesday 30 September 2009

Pannel down the side

The next step we had to do was to do the pannel down the side for the front cover. We chose to do this as it has been done on newspapers we have looked at and thought it was a good idea.
To make up stories for this part we decided to take some of the most common stories found in local newspapers that would relate to readers and make them into our own.

We split this side pannel into 4 sections so we would have to find 4 different stories to fill it up.

The first story we choose was to do one about a strick and choose trains as we thought it would relate to readers. We came up with " Train workersLook at a further strike for third time this year" We also found that a common convention with this was putting the page numbers next to it. The pages that these stories were found on were never directly at the begining or the end but somewhere in the middle, so this is what we decided to do, and choose it to be on page 4.

The second story that we decided to do was something about swine flu as it is quite a major topic for some people but we still wanted to relate it to being local as it was going to be in a local newspaper. We came up with "Local pharmacy providing false drugs for swine flu" and decided to put this on page 5.

The third story we came up with was a crime story as from the research that we did, this is what people liked to read about. The story that we went with was "Drunken yobs smash house windows along streets". We put this story on page 7

The final story we used was just about something that had happened in the local town of Portishead. We came up with " Young girl hit by tractor when playing in local field" and we put this one of page 9.

With all of this done our side pannel looked like this;

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