These are the two different styles of photo's we took;
This is the first picure we took. We decided not to use this one as we thought that Bob was stood too far away from the sign and the way that the sign was angled it wasnt that clear to see what it said. This photo is also quite dark as the shadows from the trees really got in the way but there wasnt anything we could really do about this. We decided to angle this shot better and see if that would be any better.
This is the second picture we took. We thought this one was a lot better as it was clear to see that it was a Gordano sign. Also in this picture Bob is a lot closer so you can get the emotion on his face which helps focus on what he is feeling and can give more impact on the story. As this was the first picture people would proberally see ( as it is the biggest), we wanted it to be clear about who the victim was and what the story was about from this one picture. We asked a few people what their first impressions was of this picture and they said;
"you can see that the man has been a victim and that the story is based around Gordan school."
"you can clearly see that the story is something to do with Gordano School and that the man looks upset so you know something terrible has happened to him"
Although there are still dark shadows from the trees on the picture we thought we would have ago at editing them on photoshop to see if that would make any difference and this is what it came out as;

This is the final picture that we used. We adjusted the brightness and contrast of the picture to try and make it so it wasnt as dark and we thought it worked quite well. Although you can still see a little bit of the tress shadow, it doesnt draw your attention imediatly. Also the picture is brighter altogether which makes it a lot clearer.
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