To get us started on some headlines that we could come up with for our story, we researched some to find out how long they were and what sort of language that they used.
From these headlines you can see that they used basic language and they were only made up of few words so they wer'nt that long. Some of these headlines sum up what the story is about. I think the whole point of the headline is to drag you in to the story straight away and make you want to read it.
With the font of the headline you can see that it is very bold and in capitals. This is so it stands out of the page and attracts peoples attention. Some of the headlines inside the newspaper are not always in capitals as you can see on the paper above. This shows that the main headline on the front page is the most important above the rest.
When then went on and searched for some fonts that would be good for our headline font.
We chose this one because we thought it looked slightly similar with the boldness of the font and the letters were also quite clear.
This was the second font that we looked at. We liked this one as the letters were a lot more bolder than the font above and looked alot more like a headline font.
This was the last font we chose to use. This font wasnt from but was simply made on microsoft word art. We decided to use this font as we thought it looked the most like a headline font. It was simple, clear to read and bold which was what we wanted.
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