Wednesday 23 September 2009

Story on front page 1..

We wanted the story on this front page to be a crime story as this is what we found people liked when we did our questionnaire. We first of all decided on having it about one of the teachers in our school and that they had committed a crime. We then changed it to them being a victim of crime.

We focsed on one teacher inparticular, Bob Watkins as he gave us many ideas. Bob Watkins had not long retired from working at Gordano School but is continuing to teach his GCSE and A Level classes. The school held a memorial service for Bob Watkins on his last day on the 24th July.

This helped us develope a story about him. We decided to do someone stealing all of his gifts and memorial presents from students and collegues from his car. We thought this would be a good story as it would be quite a heart hitting story.

We didnt want just one main picture for this as we thought it would be better if we got 2/3 as it was quite a big story.
For the first/main picture we thought it would be a good idea to get Bob Watkins to stand by the main Gordano School sign
The second picture we decided to get would be a close up of Bob Watkins and his reaction to what had happened to him.
And then for an extra picture we decided to try and put together a cctv image of Bob's car.

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