The next Step to designing our front cover was to find a name that would fit well and a font that would look good. We knew that in the name it would be something to do with Portishead as thats where we were going to base our newspaper. The second part of the title would be a word to describe giving news and information to someone (like in 'The Mercury' newspaper and the messenger God Mercury).
We came up with the "Portishead Beacon".
Another influence on our title was a feature that everyone who lives in Portishead knows about. This is the lighthouse. This help us come up the word "beacon" as it shines a light over the Bristol Channel.
"The word beacon means a signaling or guiding device, such as a lighthouse, located on a coast. Or a source of guidance or inspiration"
Now we had the name sorted we needed to find the right font to go with it. We went on the website and searched for some fonts that would look good as our newspaper title.
The fonts we found and felt that looked good was;

We chose this one as one of our options as it was simple looking and easy to read. The bad points thou was that it was quite a boring font and didnt really have much going on.

This was the second font we choose. We choose this one as it wasnt as plain and simple as the one above and wasnt as bold which made it look abit more sophisticated.

This was the third font we looked at. We liked this one because the shape of the letters were different and it looked unusual. The only thing we were unsure on was that it some letters were capital letters and the others wer'nt.

This was the last font we looked at and the one that we choose. We choose This one to be our final font as we liked the line that went accross the top of it as it made it look unique and different than just a plain font. The letters were all the same type and the actuall font looked a bit more upperclass than the other ones which is what we were looking for.
We didnt want the colour of the title to just be plain black so we decided to have the colour of it a navy blue as this seemed to occur in all the previous newspaper titles we had looked at. We thought navy blue was a good colour to go with as it wasnt a bright colour but still looked sophisticated.
With all this put together we came up with this, our finished title;

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