Friday 18 September 2009

Overal Analysis of research.

We found out a lot of usefull information from doing this research. One thing we discovered was that all different age groups read their local newspapers for many different reasons. The age groups who read their local newspaper the most were ages 30-49. This helped us to gain a understanding of what sort of features and storys to put in our newspaper so that it would apply to the main age of our target audience. As a range of ages did read their local newspapers we would try to put in something that would apply to everyone. This would be things such as Sport, Crime stories and things that have happened in their local area. We discovered a range of males and females read their local newspaper so we could do features and stories that would interest both females and males.
As the most popular newspaper that was read was the Bristol Evening Post, we decided to focus on that newspaper inparticular so that it would appeal more to our audience

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