Sunday, 25 October 2009

Writing the story

Now that we had taken photos for this page the next step was to write the story.

We started off by basically summing up the story in the first paragraph by briefly saying what the story was about.

Pete Jones, the towns famous millionaire has decided to save the day when donating generous amounts of his own money to save the local youth club.

We then moved onto give a brief history about 'Pete Jones' and what else good he had done to the town of portishead.

Pete Jones, 59, is well known in and around the town of Portishead for his generosity and donations. When he heard that the youth club was being demolished as of lack of funding he decided to take instant action.
Mr Jones has been living in Portishead for 30 years and has contributed hugely to the town by donations to the Portishead health centre and summer activities for young children.

We then mentioned next a brief history about the youth club and what goes on there as saving the youth club was quite a big part of the story.

The youth club has been around for 15 years and is used massively by young children and adults throughout the town. Its open Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays for different age groups to go down and engage in a range of activities from just hanging out with friends to making a mix of their own music.

After saying a brief bit about what goes on down the youth club we moved straight into who the main focus ws on, the dance group.

On Monday and Thursday evenings it is used by the portishead dance group, Audacity, to come down and rehearse their performances for competitions and other events that take place

Like everything else we then gave a breif history of the backgroup of the dance group so people could understand the dance group a bit better and feel more involved.

The dance group, Audacity got together about 2 years ago. It all started with some of the girls going down the youth club on a Tuesday and Friday evening to practice dance routines that they had made up themselves, when a local dance teacher Kim Bill spotted them. She said “I knew instantly that these girls had talent. When I found out they had no teacher I went straight in and asked them if they’d like the opportunity to take up dance lessons and enter the competitions held nearby. I was extremely excited to take up this challenge.”

After talking about the dance groups backgroud we moved onto say what they were up to now and what they have achieved so the readers can gather an insight into how much dancing means to them.

The dance group is now made up of a number of girls aged between 11 -16 who meet up for two hours on Monday and Thursday evenings to go through dance routines with their Choreographer, Kim Bill to get ready for their next competition which will be held in November.
So far in the two years that the dance group has been together they have won 5 gold medals at the Weston competitions and have also taken part in performing in local events such as the opening for the open air pool and events held at Cadbury house.
Kim stated that “if this youth club got demolished the girls would be devastated. I no my self and the girls are extremely great full for Mr Jones’s donation as it has allowed us to carry on with our competitions and succeed with the girls dreams.”

We were close to finishing our story but there was still a few things left to put it in...

We then had to mention what good would come in the future of 'Pete Jones' donation...

Kevin Smith, owner of the youth club said “we are exceptionally pleased with Mr Jones’s donation and that we can now keep the club up and running. We know that there are yet a lot off good things to come from the Children. Audacity are hoping to put on a show for the town of Portishead at the Victorian evening held in December to show their appreciation for Pete Jones’s contribution.
With the donation we can continue to carry on with the girls rehearsal and with a lot of hard work they aim to appear on the 2010 Britain’s Got Talent show.

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