Friday, 30 October 2009

Finishing off local heros page 2

Now that we had done quite a lot of work for the second local heros page, there was only a few things left to do...this included the headline for the page and the caption for the main photo.

With the headline it took us a few attempts to get this right.

The first headline we thought of was 'local millionaire saves youth club.' The problem with this was that the way that the headline was laid out on the page it didnt look right. As the 'local' was above the 'millionaire' it looked out of place and the word 'club' was left on its own at the bottem.

We took this into consideration and realised that some of the words were going to have to be the same length to make it work. Also we realised another problem with what the headline said... as our story was mainly focused on the dance group we would have to make that the main focus of our headline.
We kept the word 'millionaire' as this was a main focus in our story and changed the word 'local' to 'Portishead' so it would fit better in the layout. We also kept the word 'saves' as it indicates something a 'hero' would do and changed the words 'youth club' to 'young girls dreams' so that it has more of a focus on the dancers.

With all of this put together, our overall headline was

'Portishead millionaire saves young girls dreams'

Another thing left to do was the caption for the photo. As our main photo was a picture of the group of dancers we had to say something about them and how they felt about the donation of 'Pete Jones'

We came up with....

'Portishead dance group, Audacity looking overwhelmed in their dance studio at the youth club'

Another common convention used in newspapers was at the end of a story most of the time they would put the editor and their email adress. So for this we made up names and made up email adresses for these people to make our artical look more authentic. This was put at the bottem of both of our local heros stories.

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