On the inside pages of newspapers we noticed that they continued to have the same convention throughout. This was to have the name and logo of the newspaper at the top of the page, also the date was displayed at the top alongside the title and logo.

We decided that this would be a good idea to do on our newspaper. We also wanted to put the name of this page at the top so people could recognise it to be a local feature. We decided to call this feature 'Local Heros' as this is what we were putting in it.

To do this we copyed and pasted the title and logo and placed it in the top right hand corner of the page. This part continued to have the font as it was the name of the newspaper and would continue to have the same font and would not change. For the date we looked at how dates were written on real newspapers and displayed our date in the same way. We put this part in the top left of the newspaper. As the name of this page was called 'local heros' we put this part in the middle and made it a lot larger so that it would stand out. The font for this was was off of the website
www.dafont.co.uk . We got a different font for this name as we thought it should look different to the other fonts on the page. We made the colour of all of the fonts navy blue as this was the main colour used for things like this on our newspaper and wanted to carry it out all the way through. This colour was also used for the blue lines at the top of the page. We inserted these blue lines as it would brake up this top part of the page and the story below it.
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