Friday, 23 October 2009

Dance group photos

We arranged with our local youth club if it was possible for us to arrange a time for us to go down and take some photos of them, luckily for us they agreed and i (alice) went down.

The ideal photos we were looking for was perhaps a group one of all the girls and maybe one of them dancing.

This was one of the first photos that we took to be for our group photo. Straight away you can see that there is a red light reflecting on the photo. There arnt as many girls in the picture as we had hoped. This was because they had changed the night of their dance training last minute but we thought we'd still give it ago and see what the outcome was like. Using the ammou of girls there we set up the picture so that you could also see the name of the dance group. The lighting in this photo isnt great but the room that the photo was taken in was quite a dark photo.

This was the second group photo taken. You can still see that there is a red light reflecting on the photo which we wanted to try and get rid of, also the colour of the photo is still quite dark but there was nothing we could really do about this. We could find away around the dark colour, this would be to edit it in photoshop and to see how that would turn out.

This is the third and final group photo that we took. So far it is one of the best ones we took and if we were to use these photos then this would be the one we would use. The colouring in this photo was a lot better than the previous ones. We managed to get rid of the red light and the brightness of the photo was genuinally a lot better than the ones above.

This was one of the 'dance group in action photos'. I shot this one as i thought the dance moves they were doing looked quite good. A problem with this photo is that the two girls on the right are to close together and look a bit bunched together where as the one on the left is on her own, it just looks abit unbalanced.

This was the second 'dance group in action photo'. With this one we thought we would experiment to see what it would look like and we didnt really like the outcome. The angle that the photo was taken was a bit odd and didnt get everyone in the photo. Also you cant really see the other girls faces it just looks like that the picture is focusing on the one girl at the front.

We wernt completely sure if we were going to use these photos or if we were what ones we would chose.

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