Friday, 30 October 2009

Finishing off local heros page 2

Now that we had done quite a lot of work for the second local heros page, there was only a few things left to do...this included the headline for the page and the caption for the main photo.

With the headline it took us a few attempts to get this right.

The first headline we thought of was 'local millionaire saves youth club.' The problem with this was that the way that the headline was laid out on the page it didnt look right. As the 'local' was above the 'millionaire' it looked out of place and the word 'club' was left on its own at the bottem.

We took this into consideration and realised that some of the words were going to have to be the same length to make it work. Also we realised another problem with what the headline said... as our story was mainly focused on the dance group we would have to make that the main focus of our headline.
We kept the word 'millionaire' as this was a main focus in our story and changed the word 'local' to 'Portishead' so it would fit better in the layout. We also kept the word 'saves' as it indicates something a 'hero' would do and changed the words 'youth club' to 'young girls dreams' so that it has more of a focus on the dancers.

With all of this put together, our overall headline was

'Portishead millionaire saves young girls dreams'

Another thing left to do was the caption for the photo. As our main photo was a picture of the group of dancers we had to say something about them and how they felt about the donation of 'Pete Jones'

We came up with....

'Portishead dance group, Audacity looking overwhelmed in their dance studio at the youth club'

Another common convention used in newspapers was at the end of a story most of the time they would put the editor and their email adress. So for this we made up names and made up email adresses for these people to make our artical look more authentic. This was put at the bottem of both of our local heros stories.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Writing the story

Now that we had taken photos for this page the next step was to write the story.

We started off by basically summing up the story in the first paragraph by briefly saying what the story was about.

Pete Jones, the towns famous millionaire has decided to save the day when donating generous amounts of his own money to save the local youth club.

We then moved onto give a brief history about 'Pete Jones' and what else good he had done to the town of portishead.

Pete Jones, 59, is well known in and around the town of Portishead for his generosity and donations. When he heard that the youth club was being demolished as of lack of funding he decided to take instant action.
Mr Jones has been living in Portishead for 30 years and has contributed hugely to the town by donations to the Portishead health centre and summer activities for young children.

We then mentioned next a brief history about the youth club and what goes on there as saving the youth club was quite a big part of the story.

The youth club has been around for 15 years and is used massively by young children and adults throughout the town. Its open Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays for different age groups to go down and engage in a range of activities from just hanging out with friends to making a mix of their own music.

After saying a brief bit about what goes on down the youth club we moved straight into who the main focus ws on, the dance group.

On Monday and Thursday evenings it is used by the portishead dance group, Audacity, to come down and rehearse their performances for competitions and other events that take place

Like everything else we then gave a breif history of the backgroup of the dance group so people could understand the dance group a bit better and feel more involved.

The dance group, Audacity got together about 2 years ago. It all started with some of the girls going down the youth club on a Tuesday and Friday evening to practice dance routines that they had made up themselves, when a local dance teacher Kim Bill spotted them. She said “I knew instantly that these girls had talent. When I found out they had no teacher I went straight in and asked them if they’d like the opportunity to take up dance lessons and enter the competitions held nearby. I was extremely excited to take up this challenge.”

After talking about the dance groups backgroud we moved onto say what they were up to now and what they have achieved so the readers can gather an insight into how much dancing means to them.

The dance group is now made up of a number of girls aged between 11 -16 who meet up for two hours on Monday and Thursday evenings to go through dance routines with their Choreographer, Kim Bill to get ready for their next competition which will be held in November.
So far in the two years that the dance group has been together they have won 5 gold medals at the Weston competitions and have also taken part in performing in local events such as the opening for the open air pool and events held at Cadbury house.
Kim stated that “if this youth club got demolished the girls would be devastated. I no my self and the girls are extremely great full for Mr Jones’s donation as it has allowed us to carry on with our competitions and succeed with the girls dreams.”

We were close to finishing our story but there was still a few things left to put it in...

We then had to mention what good would come in the future of 'Pete Jones' donation...

Kevin Smith, owner of the youth club said “we are exceptionally pleased with Mr Jones’s donation and that we can now keep the club up and running. We know that there are yet a lot off good things to come from the Children. Audacity are hoping to put on a show for the town of Portishead at the Victorian evening held in December to show their appreciation for Pete Jones’s contribution.
With the donation we can continue to carry on with the girls rehearsal and with a lot of hard work they aim to appear on the 2010 Britain’s Got Talent show.

Friday, 23 October 2009

Dance group photos

We arranged with our local youth club if it was possible for us to arrange a time for us to go down and take some photos of them, luckily for us they agreed and i (alice) went down.

The ideal photos we were looking for was perhaps a group one of all the girls and maybe one of them dancing.

This was one of the first photos that we took to be for our group photo. Straight away you can see that there is a red light reflecting on the photo. There arnt as many girls in the picture as we had hoped. This was because they had changed the night of their dance training last minute but we thought we'd still give it ago and see what the outcome was like. Using the ammou of girls there we set up the picture so that you could also see the name of the dance group. The lighting in this photo isnt great but the room that the photo was taken in was quite a dark photo.

This was the second group photo taken. You can still see that there is a red light reflecting on the photo which we wanted to try and get rid of, also the colour of the photo is still quite dark but there was nothing we could really do about this. We could find away around the dark colour, this would be to edit it in photoshop and to see how that would turn out.

This is the third and final group photo that we took. So far it is one of the best ones we took and if we were to use these photos then this would be the one we would use. The colouring in this photo was a lot better than the previous ones. We managed to get rid of the red light and the brightness of the photo was genuinally a lot better than the ones above.

This was one of the 'dance group in action photos'. I shot this one as i thought the dance moves they were doing looked quite good. A problem with this photo is that the two girls on the right are to close together and look a bit bunched together where as the one on the left is on her own, it just looks abit unbalanced.

This was the second 'dance group in action photo'. With this one we thought we would experiment to see what it would look like and we didnt really like the outcome. The angle that the photo was taken was a bit odd and didnt get everyone in the photo. Also you cant really see the other girls faces it just looks like that the picture is focusing on the one girl at the front.

We wernt completely sure if we were going to use these photos or if we were what ones we would chose.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

local heros page 2

As this was going to be the same feature as the previous one it would still have some things in common;

These things being the elements at the top of the page, for example the name of the newspaper, the date and the title of the page.

Start of local heros page 2

For our second local heros page we also wanted to focus on another person who had done something good in the community of Portishead.

We thought of the local youth club as this is an important place to the people who live in portishead and holds many activities. We heard about a local dance group who train down there and took an inspiration from this.

Using the local dance group we needed to come up with a story that associated them with a hero/ someone who has helped them out. We came up with the idea that the youthclub was going to be demolished and that someone was helping to save it and then associate this in with the local dance group who train down there.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Complete local heros page

With all of this put together we were able to put together the first of our local heros page;

Monday, 19 October 2009

Finishing off local heros page

Now that we had written the story and taken our photos there was only a few bits left to do and some adjusting.

We decided to put in a pull quote as we noticed this was a common convention in newspapers. We made the quote slightly different to what was actually said in the article so it isnt exactly the same. With the pull quote we made it a slightly different colour to the rest of the page so that it would stand out. Using a pull quote helps the reader get a better idea of the person who the stories about and what to expect.

We also noticed that the main photo on this page needed a caption. We came up with;
' Proud Claire Crutchly with gold medallist James Thompson '

This tells you abit about who the people are in the photo and abit about them.

The "Spun Gold" pun- this comic reference is supposed to encompass both the spin of a table tennis ball when struck and the gold medal of champion player.  

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Story on 'local heros' page

The next step on this page was to write the story.

We started off by saying who the story was going to be about and some of the achievements that she has earned. We thought by putting this at the beginning it gave her a good look throughout the whole story.

In the twenty five years since she began coaching table tennis, Claire Crutchly has enjoyed many notable triumphs.
For example, six of her students have represented the club in the Bristol and District league, three others have competed for the South West region in the ETTA (English Table Tennis Association) veterans’ Grand Prix league and a selected few have competed in the English Open, an international championship run by the ETTA.

We then moved onto the history/background of 'Claire' and how she got in to her love for table tennis.

Claire has always had a love for table tennis. Between the ages of seven and eleven, she joined the Portishead under 14s club and on many occasions, represented the team in the Bristol and District League, often obtaining first place in division one (the highest category for her age group). During her teenage years, Claire’s ever improving talent was spotted by John Higgins, head coach of Grantham Table Tennis Academy. “I walked into the hall where the club was training and I saw this fourteen year old girl playing incredibly well” says Mr. Higgins. “I thought that if she were to join our academy, she would achieve great things”.
Once under Mr. Higgins’ wing, Claire trained extensively with rigorous exercises. Five months later, she was at a standard to compete in the English Open.

We then started to talk about a disaster that had happened to claire to make it quite a heart hitting story.

However in 1992, whilst playing a physically draining quarter final match against then champion Terry Hutchings, Claire’s leg gave way. She was rushed to hospital and was diagnosed with iliotibial band syndrome, a lateral knee pain that prevents any kind of sport participation.
However, with her positive attitude and her love of the game, Claire refused to give up on table tennis and decided that she would become a top level coach. “Seeing as I couldn’t play, I wanted a new challenge.”

We then moved onto saying how she had become a 'local hero' and everything that she has done for the people she trains.

A year after her accident, Claire qualified as a Level Four ETTA -approved coach, (the highest coaching grading.) She booked a regular slot at the Portishead Redcliffe Bay Hall and purchased table tennis equipment. There was a big turn out for her first session and numbers continue to grow today. The ‘Portishead Spinners’ (the clubs nickname) runs on a Monday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, 6:30-8:30 at Redcliffe Bay Hall and invites players of all ages and abilities.
“It’s really great to see so many people getting involved in a sport that can be both fun and
competitive.” Claire said, smiling proudly. “I feel happy in giving the players the opportunities that others have given me during my table tennis career.”
“Claire’s a great coach” says Sarah Coggins, a division one competitor. “She’s very patient and she manages to balance fun activity with competitive play.”

Instead of just finishing the story here we thought we'd mention one major acheivement clarie has had with one of her players and how she has made that happen for him.

‘The Portishead Spinners’ club has had its fair share of top quality players in recent years. James Thompson, 17, entered the Stiga Masters championship in 2003 and finished with a gold medal around his neck after beating the reigning champion Dom Johnson in a close scoring
match of 19-17.
“It was a hard match against Dom, but it was definitely worth it. Every time I look at my medal I think of my achievement but I am extremely great full for Claire’s faith in me and all the help she’s given me to accomplish this.”

We finished the story up with saying why she is such a local hero today and the rewards she gets from doing what she does best.

In 2005 Claire received an MBE for her outstanding contribution to the sport. The reward was presented to her by none other than John Hilton, 1980 European table tennis champion. During his speech, Mr. Hilton said that Claire is “an outstanding player, but an even better coach”.
We hope to hear more of Claire’s successes in the future.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

inside page continued...

On the inside pages of newspapers we noticed that they continued to have the same convention throughout. This was to have the name and logo of the newspaper at the top of the page, also the date was displayed at the top alongside the title and logo.

We decided that this would be a good idea to do on our newspaper. We also wanted to put the name of this page at the top so people could recognise it to be a local feature. We decided to call this feature 'Local Heros' as this is what we were putting in it.

To do this we copyed and pasted the title and logo and placed it in the top right hand corner of the page. This part continued to have the font as it was the name of the newspaper and would continue to have the same font and would not change. For the date we looked at how dates were written on real newspapers and displayed our date in the same way. We put this part in the top left of the newspaper. As the name of this page was called 'local heros' we put this part in the middle and made it a lot larger so that it would stand out. The font for this was was off of the website . We got a different font for this name as we thought it should look different to the other fonts on the page. We made the colour of all of the fonts navy blue as this was the main colour used for things like this on our newspaper and wanted to carry it out all the way through. This colour was also used for the blue lines at the top of the page. We inserted these blue lines as it would brake up this top part of the page and the story below it.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

second lot of photos

Although oringinally our first idea was to have just the one photo of the teacher and her student, we decided to experiment on getting an action photo aswell to put in on this page
When shooting our previous photos, at the same time we got some action photos of them playing a game of table tennis.

This is the first photo that we thought we would try. We tried one of just him on his own playing in a game of table tennis. Although it looks authentic and you can easily tell that he is playing in a sports hall, we wernt compeltly happy with this photo.

This is another one we took of Phil in action playing table tennis. Again for the same reasons we wernt happy with this photo either. Also his face is quite blurred and you cant really see his table tennis paddle which is one of the main things that we wanted to see.

We then changed the angle of Phil to see if this would be any better. We prefered this angle a lot more than we did in the ones above but there is still a few problems with this photo. The teacher is half cut out of the photo which doesnt look good, if we were to crop her out of it then phil would look like he was playing on his own which woulnt look right and not what we wanted. Also there is a bit to much backgrounf of the sports hall on the right which we wernt happy with.

This is another photo we took in this angle, again there are still some problems with it. Firstly Phils hand is covering his face which doesnt look very perfesional and would not look good in a newspaper, especially him being one of the main people in the story. Another problem, which is the same problem we had in the photo above. This is that the teacher is still half cut out of the photo when idealy we would like to have her playing/training with him.

In this photo the teacher is a bit more in the picture but still a bit cut out. The angle of phil is good except that he seems just a bit to far away and distant. There is a good view of the table tennis table but the colour of the photo is a bit dull and bland and looks abit dark.

After all of this consideration and adjusting we were able to take the photo that we wanted to put on this page;
We thought this was the best photo that we had took as of many reasons. The teacher was well framed in the photo so you could get a clear view of her and phil training/playing table tennis. Also the lighting in the picture is a lot brighter than previouse ones so it doesnt look so dull and dark. Phil isnt to far away and you can clearly see his paddle and the ball flying through the air. With the back ground of this photo you can tell that they are playing in some sort of sports hall which makes it look profesional. Also from the teachers position you can tell that she is throwing the ball for phil to hit and that he has his bat ready to hit the ball. We thought this was good as from a glance of the photo you can clearly see what they are doing.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Photos for local hero story 2

We thought for this story it would be a good idea to be able to get photos of the table tennis teacher and the students that our story was focused on together. With these photos we concentrated alot on the mise en scene as we wanted it to look like the place where the teacher holds her club. For this we decided to take the photo in the sports hall so it had a sports look to the place. We also thought that if the 'student' had the table tennis racked on him so from the first look at the photo you could tell what it was going to be about and also get the gold medal he won in the picture to so the audience would recognise the achievement.

This is one the first photos that we took. We thought that the set up in this photo was good as he had his table tennis top on, his paddle and his gold medel. We got one of the schools p.e teachers to stand in and act as the teacher of the table tennis club. She was dressed the part aswell as she had her sports uniform on which is what she would of worn to the club and to play table tennis. We chose this background as it had the look of a sports place.

We also took this photo which had exactly the same props in e.g. paddle, gold medal, uniform and background of the sports hall. We experimented with where the paddle should be held and which would be the best position.

Our chosen photo for this page was going to be the top one. We decided this because where he was holding his paddle, was in a much better place/position than in the second photo. Although the photo was quite zoomed out we decided when we put in on the page we would crop it as there was a lot of space around the outside of the photo, we were also going to experiment wether we needed to crop the photo to completly get rid of his jeans but we couldnt tell this untill we had the page setup.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

September inside page

For our inside page we wanted to do something a bit different than just carry on with normal news stories. We wanted to give the people of Portishead something to be proud of.

We came up with the idea of a feature page on the second page presented in every monday issue. We hadnt seen this done in a local newspaper yet and thought it was a good idea and something new to try.

Our main focus of this feature is to tell the readers of the Portishead Beacon what people do for the town and that they should get recognised for their good imput.

We came up with this story being about something to do with sport. We got this idea from the research we had done and found out that sport was a main feature people liked to read about so we thought this would be a good link in how to put this feature in our newspaper.

From Phils knowledge on table tennis we thought it would be a good idea to do a feature on a table tennis champion or someone who had helped out greatly with a table tennis club....

We thought this through and came up with one main story we were going to write about. We were going to have a tabel tennis champion teaching new table tennis students and focusing on one of the students acheivements. But we were also going to put in a twist to the story about why she went from her career to teaching students. The idea we got for this was to say that the teacher of the table tennis club had an accident where it stopped her from continuing to play, but she wanted to share her asperation for table tennis and this is when she started the club.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Tim's taxi advert

This advert features on the September front cover. The yellow background adds colour to the front page is supposed to resemble the colours of an American taxi (the intertextual reference would most probably be recognised due to the American media and globalisation). The 'Taxi' font was downloaded from and is again supposed to resemble the font of an American taxi company's logo. Like the 'Archer's Restaurant' advert, there is a limited quantity of writing and information, which could encourage the reader viewing the advert to call the company and find out further information (and simultaneously embracing local communication).

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Draft of second front cover

With all of this put together we made a draft up of what our second front cover would look like;

2nd story on front cover 2

We decided on this front cover that instead of having a pannel down the side we were going to have a second story so both of the front covers didnt look the same.

The type of story that we decided to have was a criminal sort of one. We thought that this was a good idea because the other story on the front cover was one about what was going on in portishead so we thought they would go well together as they were both from different genres.

The story we decided to do was going to be titled ' Drug raid in abandoned house '. We thought this would be a good story to put on the front page as in would have a lot of peoples interest.
As this was only going to be a story down the side it didnt need any pictures.

We started the story by bascially summing up what the story was about;

Early this week police seized drugs and cash from an abandoned two bedroom house down a back street alley just off Queens Road.

We then moved on to going more into detail about the story and what sort of things were found.

There was £15,000 worth of cannabis plants that had been growing in the house and stashes of cocaine and ecstasy tablets found underneath the floorboards. Three men were arrested at the scene of the crime and are to be charged later this year.

During the raid police officers also discovered a container Containing around £20,000, other illegal substances and some weighing scales

The next part of the story would be giving information and what happened to the criminals

Three men were arrested at the scene of the crime and are to be charged later this year

One of the men aged 23 has previously been charged with possession of cannabis and has served time in jail. He was caught this time along with Two other men aged 18 and 27. They will all be tried for possession of illegal substances with intent to supply.

In this part of the story we were unable to say who these men were due to legal reasons. It is unusual that this soon into the crime the criminals are anounced as they normally keep suspect names out of the stories untill they have been in trial or are convicted.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Photo's for front cover 2

The photos that we decided we would use would be photo's of the traffic lights with their orange covers on to show that they had been shut down.

We went down and figured out the best place to take the photo's from. This place was the place that gave us the best view of the traffic lights and the one that fitted the most traffic lights in the photo. We took a range of different photos and had to pick which one that we would use.

This was one of the first photo's that we took. Even though it had a good over view of what the lights looked like and you could see how the traffic can easily be built up we decided not to use it due to many reasons. One of the reasons was because in this photo alot of your attention is drawn to the big blue car which has no relevance to what we want in our photo. Also the the traffic lights look quite distant and far away which is not what we wanted because we wanted them to be the main focus in our photo. Also the bush and stone at the bottem of the photo draw quite a lot of focus which is not what we wanted.

This was the secondphoto that we took. This photo we thought was a lot better than the one above as it had no major focus on cars and still contained many of the traffic lights that had been shut down.
However there are still some bad points and reasons why we didnt use this photo. The traffic lights still looked quite distant in the photo which is not what we wanted. Also there is the top of a post box at the bottem of the photo. Although we could crop this bit out, it would make the photo look short and it wouldnt be a good photo.

This was the third photo that we took. This was the best photo that we had taken so far. This was because we had moved in a lot more to get a closer picture of the traffic lights. It still had the post box in the bottem corner which we wanted to get rid of and we thought we still could get a closer photo of the traffic lights.

This was the photo we choose to use on our front cover. We thought this one was the best as it had a clear close up view of the traffic lights. Also there were no cars,bushes,stones or postboxes in the way to take the attention off of the lights.
Even though at the bottem of the photo there is still a big part of pavement, we were able to crop this up but not to much to make the photo
look short but enough to take the focus off of that part of the photo.

Story for front cover 2

The story that we decided we were going to do on this front cover was going to be something that was happening in portishead and that would give information to the readers. We decided to do this because this was another feature that we found from our research that people liked to see in their local newspapers.

We decided to do a story about major traffic lights being shut down in Portishead. We got our inspiration from a set of traffic lights that had actually been shut down in a busy place in Portishead. We thought this would be a good story to do as it ment a lot to the people in Portishead and they were always interested in what was going to happen.

Writing the story;

We started off by saying what had happened since the lights had been turned off.

Traffic lights near Waitrose petrol station have caused car collisions and major traffic jams over the past couple of weeks.

We then moved on to the history of the traffic lights as this was normally done in newspaper stories.

In early August, the set of traffic lights were covered up and were made non functional due to
increasing waiting time and driver frustration. Without these traffic lights, drivers are expected to pass through them at a slow speed, maximum of 20mph and give way to any cars passing their entrance.

We then thought we would move onto giving information about the traffic lights and why they have been shut off.

The lights are only being shut off temporarily for a months trial to see how drivers get on with the system having no lights to guide them. This should help prevent traffic building up through the high street at peak times during the day and stop it building up by the cabstand road.

We then decided to put in a quote from a person who was quite involved in the traffic lights.

Mr. Red, head of Portishead transport, said "we were getting continuous e-mails and phone calls complaining about the traffic lights. The Portishead community are very important to us, so there was no other option but to shut them off completely."

We then thought we'd follow on from this by putting in what effect the traffic lights not being there have had on drivers and traffic on the roads.

Since the traffic lights have been shut off there have been numerous amounts of collisions between drivers not giving way. It is important to inform people that at this moment with the lights turned off everyone must give way to other drivers passing them.

We then put in what a near by resident had to say about the lights being shut off and what it's like for someone who lives on one of the roads that does get very busy.

Mrs Walter, a nearby resident stated that “ever since the lights have been turned off there is a reduced amount of traffic along my road and it flows a lot more easier.”

We then summed up the story and put in what could be the possibilities for the future.

If the number of collisions are reduced then it might be that the traffic lights are taken out for good and road signs and signals will be put in place to direct who has the right of way. This will then make it a lot more clearer for drivers using this area.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Headlines for front cover two

The Main headline on this front cover was going to associated with the story about the portishead traffic lights. We first started off with something like "Traffic light mania" but then we thought this was abit to basic and wanted to make it a bit more specific.

The final headline that we decided on was "No safe roads for portishead". We thought that this gave more of an indication to what the story was about and made the story more personal to the readers as it stated it was specifically in Portishead.

As this headline was going to be one the front page, We were going to make it into capitals as we found that this was a common convention.

This headline was going to be located just above the pictures and the story which is different to our previous front page as on that one the headline is at the bottem of the page.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

2nd front cover

Now that our first front cover was done we decided to move onto our second front cover.
As we were still continuing with the same newspaper we kept the same title and conventions of our first front cover.

We changed the date of the newspaper to the 28th September so that they were a couple of months apart.

Layout for newspaper 2, front page

This was the layout we decided to do for our second newspaper front page. As you can see it is quite similar to the layout we used for our first newspaper but we have changed a few things. There is only going to be one picture but in a similar place. There is going to be more of the story shown on the front cover. Also instead of the pannel down the side we decided to change that and do another story, this was quite comon on newspapers that they would have a pannel sometimes and then change it to a story.
We have also kept the convention of the advert being in the bottem right hand corner.

Friday, 2 October 2009


With all this done we put it together and came up with our first front cover;

Other elements.

With all of this done, our first front cover was nearly completed, there was only a few things left to do.

We hadnt dont the bar at the top of the newspaper that contained the date, price and website of the newspaper.

The date we decided to make it the following monday after Bob Watkin's had retired which is the 27th of july. We looked at the way dates were aranged on newspapers that we had looked at and decided to arange our date like, 27th Jully 2009.

With the website we just made up our own which was

We looked at prices of other newspapers and they ranged between 37p and 50p so we thought considerin as ours was just based around the town of portishead we would make it a bit cheaper and price it at 35p.

To put all of this information on the front of the newspaper and make it look neat, we decided to do it on a banner going across the top of the newspaper. We made the banner a navy colour that matched the title of the newspaper.

The font that we used on this banner was just a standard microsoft publisher font. We chose this one as it was clear to read and wasnt to fancy.

There was one final thing left to do and that was to put the piece of writing beneath the pictures on the front page. We looked at the sort of things that they write on newspapers and they just write about the person in the picture. So we decided to write
"Devastated teacher Mr Watkins at entrance of Gordano School where his own possessions got taken"

Thursday, 1 October 2009


A common convention we found on the front covers of newspapers was that they always had adverts, especially in the bottem right had corner.

Here are some of the adverts we found within local newspapers;

This advert is advertising a local resturant. The picture shows the inside of a resturant. It is advertising cheap prices at christmas.

This was the second advert we found within a local newspaper. It is advertising a local hairdressers/beauty salon in portishead. There is no picture on this advert just writing. The advert is stating that there is 20% off because of their anniversary.

Local newspaper adverts

Adverts for local businesses are featured in our local newspaper. They are as follows:

Archer's Restaurant- the title is very self-explanatory- an advert for a local restaurant. The surname Archer is supposedly posh and upper class, thus addressing my brief of creating an advert for a classy restaurant.

The font used is interesting, but is not unrestrained and exaggerated that would perhaps give the elegant restaurant a slightly 'cheap' feel.

The aim of depicting Archer's Resaurant as sophisticated continues through to the main image. The photo shows a couple eating a dinner and drinking expensive wine. The dinner was well presented via the cutlery arrangement and the appetising meal itself. Similarly, the smart atire of both models demonstrates the posh nature of the restaurant.

The lack of text (i.e. three lines) perhaps could raise interest and persuade the reader to contact the restaurant and find out further information.