We started off by looking at posters that newspapers had produced on various differend events. We looked into what sort of things they advertised and made a poster about. We came accross posters that advertised the Brdigewater carnival, saving the cadbury factory, keeping a green environment and advertixing jobs.
We did consider doing a poster like the one we had seen on the Bridgewater carnival until I remembered ages ago an advertisment in the Bristol Evening post about a range of books you could order along with the evening post and you would recieve the first one free.

We took a liking to this idea and thought it would be a good idea to do a similar advertisment in our poster.
As our newspaper was based in the town of Portishead we had to make what was advertised on our poster link to Portishead.
So as we were keen on the idea of advertising a free book, the next step was to link this 'book' to Portishead. Our first idea was to advertise a book about Portishead, but then we remembered theres already a large leaflet that goes out often advertising many things about Portishead. Our next idea was to have the book as a story and somehow the story would link to the town Portishead, but we didnt think this would have a mojor link to Portishead. Our final idea and the idea we decided to go with was to have this book written by a Portishead author, so it is fully linked to Portishead and would take a major interest to the readers of the Portishead Beacon.
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