We decided to do a picture of a boy and girl on the front cover similar to one that we analysed.
The boy we used in the first photo didnt look right. He was quite a lot taller than the girl and it looked way out of proportion.
Learning from this mistake we then had to arrange to use another boy model for the photo.
We found a new model for our photo. This model looked a lot better than the previous one as both of their height was similar so it didnt look out of proportion. We didnt use this photo but it was close to what we wanted. With the models being back to back their body language shows signs that they dont get on, disagreement and perhaps that something has happened to leave them being like that towards eachother, making the reader suspicious that something has gone on. We didnt use this photo as their facial expressions wernt right and the boy was facing to much to the front and not enough to the side. The girl was smiling when really we wanted her to have a worried look on her face showing that something has happened between the two of them.

This was the photo that we decided to use for the front cover of our book. We thought the posisioning of the models were in the right place as they were back to back but not completely so you could still see their faces and their body language. With both their arms crossed you get the impression they are in an uncomfortable place with eachother and are keeping to themselves. The girl has a worried look on her face while the boy has a smug look indicating the fact that they have history and dont get on.
After taking the photo we edited it on photo shop. We cut them out away from the background as we didnt want this to be on the front cover of our book. The plan is to put them on our own background.
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