Tuesday 24 November 2009


We looked at the layout of newspaper posters and noticed a common convention was that they nearly always put the title of the newspaper at the bottem. This was proberally because you would read all the imformation and then find out which newspaper it came from.

When somthing is advertised whether its free or a cheap price they will always make that the first thing you see to bring you in and make u read more and thats when you find out that there may be a catch. Using this technique we figured we would have to do advertise that this book would be free but that there was a catch to it.

The catch that we were going to use to link it to our newspaper was that you have to collect a certain ammout of tokens that will be in our newspaper to be able to claim this book as a free book.

So altogether we put together a list of all the things that would need to be advertised on our poster;

  • The free book you can claim
  • The word 'FREE' in a large print to it grabs readers attention
  • The fact that it was a author who lives in Portishead so the readers of the Portishead Beacon would take more of an interest and has a link to our local newspaper
  • The catch to getting the book free, collecting tokens
  • What local newspaper it is linked to.

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