To do this we did some research on what front covers of books looked like;
This was the first book cover analysed. There wasnt any major photo on the front it and the background was just a basic colour with a darker red at the bottem then faded out nearer the top of the book. The font used was a basic font where the letters were rounded and the colour was just white. This indicated a plain look towards the book. There was a bit of writing at the bottem of the book, but apart from that there was nothing much going on. We liked this as although it was so plain it gave a feel to it as if there was going to be a lot going on. Also the title 'The Almost Moon' had no relevence to the picture of a falling chair at all which made it a bit suspicious.

This was the second book we analysed. Already we could see it was very different to the one above in many ways. Firstly the background of the book was convered in one photo. The title of the book was placed at the top of the page and wasnt displayed that clearly. The authors of the book stood out more than what the title did which i dont think was right. With the photo you could see straight away that it was about a boy and a girl. The impression you get is that they are perhaps together as a couple but as they are leaning away from eachother, maybe they arnt that close.
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